Petrify kaine or be annihilated
Petrify kaine or be annihilated

petrify kaine or be annihilated
  1. #Petrify kaine or be annihilated Pc#
  2. #Petrify kaine or be annihilated ps3#
  3. #Petrify kaine or be annihilated series#

  • In the Junk Heap, Nier and Weiss search for Jakob and Gideon's mother even though, as Weiss acknowledges, there's no way she could have gotten through all the deadly traps and barriers.
  • All There in the Manual: Almost all of the game's backstory was relegated to the Japan-exclusive Grimoire Nier resource book, including the nature of the Black Scrawl, the names of the Shades, what happened to the world, and its ties to Drakengard.
  • It did happen, but not with the people you've seen throughout the game.
  • All Just a Dream: The opening sequence is described as either a dream or a distant memory.
  • Alien Sky: Grimoire Nier explains that the cataclysm caused the planet's axis to tilt towards the Sun it's safe to assume the game takes place along the equator, where the temperature is more tolerable.
  • Is a Crapshoot: On one hand, the Defense System Geppetto has long lost distinction between friend or foe on the other hand, Military Defense Unit P-33 is intelligent enough to distinguish invaders from innocents. But it's not like they're not trying to prevent it: the real humans — or, the Shades — are trying to survive by body-jacking Replicants.
  • While the Crapsack World did get better for a while after the first cataclysm, it's implied that sooner or later, humans will die out altogether.
  • Addressing the Player: You can name Nier whatever you want at the start, so he's never called by name but you need to re-enter the name you gave him to get Endings A, D and E.
  • Absurdly High Level Cap: 99, but you can curb-stomp most enemies by level 25.
  • In some cases, you can just buy the items from a vendor and certain sidequests do have significant rewards, like unlocking your farm (one of the only consistent revenue sources in the game).
  • 20 Bear Asses: Many sidequests require you to fetch various items for the requester, without much of a tangible reward.
  • 100% Completion: Obtaining all the weapons and all four story endings will get you the loss of your save data.
  • petrify kaine or be annihilated

    During his travels he is also joined by a scantily-clad, foul-mouthed swordswoman named Kainé, and Emil, a lonely young boy with terrible powers. However, after a chance encounter with a talking Spell Book named Grimoire Weiss, he discovers that there may be a cure after all and immediately sets out on a quest to find it, using his newfound Black Magic to cut down anything in his way. The protaganist survives by hunting Shades and relying on the charity of his village, but he is powerless to help Yonah. It should be noted that in Japan, Replicant is treated as the official version, as it was the original and only version planned until the Occidental branch of Square Enix requested an older and more muscular lead for an alternate version. Gestalt was released worldwide, but Replicant is Japan exclusive. Though everything else remains the same, the age gap between the two protaganists produces a different context for the story, with the world-weary father contrasting sharply with his younger, foolishly-optimistic counterpart. The former is a burly middle-aged man who is Yonah's father, whereas the latter is a slender adolescent who is Yonah's elder brother. There are two versions of the game, Gestalt and Replicant, and each has a slightly different protagonist. One of the victims is a little girl named Yonah. Yet the already dwindling population is again under threat from Black Scrawl, a disease that seems to be connected with the malevolent creatures known as Shades. Mankind survives the conflict, but at the cost of nearly all of humanity dying, resulting in the remaining survivors doing as best they can to survive in a world robbed of resources and technology for the next thousand years. In the aftermath, a disease called White Chlorination Syndrome began killing people or converting them into zombie-like monsters, resulting in the near-extinction of the human race. In 2003, a large, monstrous humanoid creature landed in Tokyo and was killed by a mysterious creature resembling a dragon, before the dragon itself was shot down by the Japanese airforce.

    #Petrify kaine or be annihilated Pc#

    (a play on the square root of 1.5) for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC released on April 23rd, 2021. A Video Game Remake of Replicant (which also serves its first worldwide release), with the subtitle ver.1.22474487139.

    #Petrify kaine or be annihilated series#

    Has two sequels, NieR: Automata (as well as its worldbuilding play series YoRHa) and the Mobile Phone Game NieR Recarnation.

    #Petrify kaine or be annihilated ps3#

    NieR (alternately rendered Nier or NIER) is an action/ role-playing game developed by Cavia and published by Square Enix, released in 2010 for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

    Petrify kaine or be annihilated